Monday, July 26, 2010

You never know when you might need it…

apron01I’ve been working on my Ophelia dress the past week or so (I will share more about this Tuesday!), and as I was working through my pattern alterations I had my sort of shell of the scrap I used for fitting the pattern pieces left, and as I kept staring at it I thought… that really should be an apron.

I did not previously own an apron, but I can think of at least a dozen instances where having one might have spared a shirt or two from a stain.  I also know of a second grade teacher in my district who wears one (very similar to server-style aprons) daily, filled with typical classroom needs: pencils, markers, crayons, sticky notes, band-aids, hand sanitizer, etc!  Really great at meeting those everyday needs.

So, my post-fitting scraps were hanging out on my dressform (affectionately named Sophie), so I pulled it down and trimmed away the excess fabric.  Since I knew it would need to be tied in the back, I basically eliminated the back portion entirely, easing into the top so the shoulders would still be there.  Once I had a good free shape, I serged around the entire thing, arm holes included, and stitched on some grosgrain ribbon at the waistline on each side of the back opening.  And there you are!  Nothing fancy, and no lace as of yet, but I think a few pockets might be a good addition!


What have you unexpectedly created while working on another project?

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