Saturday, July 17, 2010

A tomato a day…?

One of my favorite regular deliveries came yesterday afternoon!  These pretty organic tomatoes!  We get a little box twice a month from a local delivery service… and while I call it ‘little’ (they call it the bitty box!), it’s quite a collection of fruits and veggies.  It’s all organic, and what they can provide locally they do!

doortodoorWe get our order from Door to Door Organics!  Our location is in Colorado, of course, but they have locations in Kansas City, Chicago, Michigan, and along the East Coast.  We like this because not only do we KNOW we have fresh fruit and veggies coming for a visit on a regular basis, it’s also a REALLY great price.  Let me show you…

Our ‘bitty’ box costs us $22.66, including delivery.  This time it contained those three tomatoes, two grapefruit, a 2lb bag of red seedless grapes, 4 plums, 4 peaches, a pound of yellow squash, a 6oz package of blueberries, and 4 bananas (and let me tell you, once you’ve had an organic banana, you’ll never go back!).  Comparatively, at our local grocery store, we’ll run about $26-30 for all that (and that’s just buying regular stuff.. NOT organic!), and WE have to do all the shopping, hauling, picking… all the hard work!  With Door to Door, we just sit there and poof!  Fresh fruits and veggies!

Everything is adjustable (we actually get a bitty fruit box, but we like to trade out our not-so-favorite fruits for our favorite veggies sometimes), from the size of the box to the delivery frequency, to the contents of each individual box.  Just log into the website to make any changes, add things you might want, substitute, even add eco-friendly cleaning materials, treats like chocolate, and organic beverages!  The website is SUPER user friendly, and customer service is very helpful, if you ever need them!

We love it!  Eating right and saving money in an eco-friendly way is right up our alley.  How about you? 

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