Monday, August 2, 2010

Doing it by the (cook)book.

I am in a constant quest to run an organized, efficient household. In an effort to keep our lives simple, I schedule out our meals two weeks at a time.  This is good for our budget, and for our free time, as Nick or I get to spend our time doing things we WANT to do, rather than going to the grocery store every night.  It’s gone VERY well for the last year, but I realized while working on my schedule that I continue to repeat about twelve similar dishes over and over and over again.  We LOVE good food, I’d even call us fledgling foodies, and I was a little appalled at my boring steak and potatoes meals.

Randy Mayor; Lydia DeGaris-Pursell - via myrecipes.comSo, I went on something of a side-quest (don’t forget the nerdy girl behind all this economy!) to find a way to expand our meal repertoire while not expanding our shopping time or our limited budget.  A friend recently made us an AMAZING Thai meal, and when I asked where she found the recipe (and all the other amazing recipes she’s made for us!) she directed me to!  In exploring their website, I discovered their 1 List, 5 Meals recipes.  They provide a shopping list that has all the ingredients you’ll need for the 5 meals that accompany.  This was the solution I was looking for!  We’re starting off with Week One; it features a lot of fish (gotta love those great omega-3 fatty acids!) and sort of ‘cool’ foods which I like especially in the summer, when I don’t feel like cooking (or even eating =p) because of the heat.  There are plenty of other options as well; desserts, vegetarian dishes, quick and easy, or you can upload your own recipes!

So we’re going to try them out for the next two weeks.  Our weekly shopping night is coming up soon, and I’m excited about it for the first time in months.  So?  What’s your favorite food strategy?

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